I have had thoughts this morning to just stop posting because it doesn’t matter how hard I always end up with spelling mistakes. When this happens I am left feeling really stupid and embarrassed. I’m not giving into those thoughts though, I’m working on noticing them and managing them. I posted this on my social media accounts this morning to help me work through the feelings and I wanted to post it here to for the people who aren’t on my social media accounts.

Yesterday I did a repost of a post on my social media accounts, as I had to change the spelling and then somehow I still got it wrong. (It’s changed on the fb version now but I can’t change it again on Instagram.)

I use spell check but the app I make these images on doesn’t have it all the time for some reason…also my phone has learnt bad habits off me and so my spell check isn’t always helpful.

Its so frustrating as a lot of the time I don’t even know the word is spelt wrongly so then I don’t check it.

I think I’m most likely dyslexic if I’m honest, it’s something my mum raised with me before I started high school…but I put it down to me being deaf in one ear and not hearing properly.
Now that I have an autism, ADHD and OCD diagnosis I’m thinking that (as its all the same part of the brain) that I am probably dyslexic. To be honest I don’t have the energy for more diagnosis right now though.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way at times so il add in some DBT skills to this post.

The DBT bit

*Wise mind thinking* can help you to *check the facts* if your ever feeling like your stupid or failing because of this – factually we all have diffrent abilities and not being able to spell doesn’t mean that your failing or that your stupid.

*Paced breathing* is a TIP skill that helps me when I feel the frustration rising, taking some deep breaths and speaking to myself with kind *Self encouragement/cheerleading* can be really helpful.

*Mindfulness of current thoughts* can help you stay mindful of your thoughts so you can notice and then manage any thoughts that are not helping you.