I'm a late diagnosed autistic female with ADHD, BPD, OCD and anxiety. I am a qualified life coach who is passionate about DBT as it's helped me so much in my own life. I hope that the content in this blog, wether it's my lived experiaces or my DBT Peer Course can be of some help to you πŸ’œ

Other DBT things

Before I started making the Peer DBT course I started to make posts on the DBT skills that focused on the skills individually, rather than just making the real-life DBT posts that focused on using skills. The posts below are not part of the Peer DBT course but are still focused on DBT, with other explanations and examples of the skills.

Mixed feeling on DBT….😱

If you follow my Facebook or Instagram page then you will know how passionate I am about DBT and teaching it…

DBT skills – Comparison

DBT skills are not a magical answer to your problems, as in they won’t make them disappear, however they could make…