I'm a late diagnosed autistic female with ADHD, BPD, OCD and anxiety. I am a qualified life coach who is passionate about DBT as it's helped me so much in my own life. I hope that the content in this blog, wether it's my lived experiaces or my DBT Peer Course can be of some help to you 💜

Creative Cazzy

Welcome to the creative part of my brain. I have always found creative outlets helpful, when I was younger I used to write poetry and looking back on it I can see that it was helping me to process my thoughts and emotions at the time.

As I grew up I stopped writing so much and only really used photography as a creative outlet. In the last few years, I have made a lot more time to be creative as I have been able to drop the judgments I had around it being something that is wasting time. I know now that by taking the time to be creative can have a really positive effect on my mental health as it gives me time to do something I like doing, I’m able to process emotions and thoughts, a chance to build mastery just to name a few.

I thought I would use this space to share the things I have been making and working on in the hope that it will motivate me to do more, and hopefully, you might also enjoy the posts 😊

I’m working on the Peer DBT course a lot at the moment but hopefully, more posts will be on the way soon… x

I have an Instagram page that I use to keep a record of all the things I have been making recently. I don’t use the page much and if you are interested in any of the art please contact me through my PositivelyBPD account. https://www.instagram.com/creativecazzy/

From the blog