I'm a late diagnosed autistic female with ADHD, BPD, OCD and anxiety. I am a qualified life coach who is passionate about DBT as it's helped me so much in my own life. I hope that the content in this blog, wether it's my lived experiaces or my DBT Peer Course can be of some help to you 💜

BPD and me

These posts are all focused on my experiences with BPD over the last few years and the things that I have found helpful.

BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder and is also known as EUPD which stands for Emotionally Unstable personality disorder, I don’t really like either of those labels but was diagnosed with it as BPD so it stuck.

I tick the 9 boxes in the BPD criteria which are – *Intense mood swings *Distorted and unstable self-image or sense of self *Fear of abandonment *Unstable or changing relationships *Impulsive or self-damaging behaviours *Suicidal behaviour or self-injury *Chronic feeling of emptiness * Problems with anger *Short lasting dissociation or stress related paranoia

DBT along with changing my lifestyle and the way that I think about things has really helped to reduce a lot of these symptoms. The additional knowledge I have now about being autistic has also allowed me to manage myself and my emotions in more effective ways.


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