Practicing gratitude isn’t something you actually learn in DBT, but I wanted to share this post because it’s one of the many tools that has helped me in my life and I hope that by sharing it, that it can also help others.

When I first heard of the idea of practicing gratitude I thought it was a load of rubbish but over time, things got harder in my life and I became more desperate so I decided that I would try anything the help me.

And it turns out that by just taking the time and effort to notice things to be grateful for that we can train our brains to see more of the good things in our life and shift our focus from only seeing the negatives.

Sure, some days it is hard to think of things (on those days my go-to is normally a roof over my head, my bed, and some type of food lol) and sometimes it can even feel like whatever I choose isn’t enough, compared to all the bad things around me and in my head, but you know what, that’s OK because not every day is easy when you have a brain similar to mine.

And it doesn’t stop me from practicing because I know that in the long run, it is helpful and there will be other days when it makes a difference.

At the bottom of this post are a few ideas that I hope can get you started or help you out when finding something to be grateful for is hard.

🧠💜Something I have learnt over all the years of my mental health journey is that there is no quick fix and no one amazing magical thing that can help me, there are lots of little tools, habits, and pearls of wisdom that all add up, and help bit by bit. Gratitude is one of those things for me and I’m grateful for it 😝😁.
There are some fantastic apps to help with practicing gratitude, I use (you can find them on Instagram) and I would really recommend it.

If you’re on my Facebook page there are also opportunities to practice gratitude a few times a week from the prompts that I post there.
Maybe you could have a go now…
What are you grateful for today?

To share your answers make a post on the private Facebook group –